
Thank You for partnering with Our Savior’s mission! 

 Our church home is totally funded by the offerings and donations that come in from members and friends of the church. Here are 3 options that people usually use to give:

(1) Bringing a donation to Worship, either weekly, monthly, or seasonal, whichever fits best.

(2) Using direct  deposit  (our staff can connect you to this information)

(3) Donating online with a credit card through our secure PayPal account.  

Stewardship: A Way of Life

Stewardship: What is it, and why is this an approach to life for disciples of Jesus?

It seems that God wants us to use the blessings that we have, but to use them with a God-centered worldview, and to use them  wisely (Proverb 3:5-10, Hebrews 13:5). The Bible states that we are to “image” and “reflect” God’s nature and ways into the world around us (Gen 1:26-31). How we handle our stuff and our time are all part of being His image. Recognizing God’s ownership of everything is healthy (Deut. 8:18) and is something that He wants us to experience and to feel.  

 Our Savior Lutheran Church is operated totally through the offerings of the people in the pews.  We are thankful for the teamwork of good stewards like you and pray that you enjoy being a steward of what you have been blessed with.   Thank YOU for  partnering through giving. 

Some Questions to Ask About Giving

The basic goal of giving is to handle our stuff in a God-centered way. You might have heard the term “Tithing.” Well, giving 10% of earnings (tithing), is one approach people take, but giving any % amount isn’t a tax or a duty to keep God pleased. It is an opportunity to live out and experience being used by God to spread HIS stuff around. 

The first step is to recognize that all I have is from God. It has been handed to me to use wisely. So, should I use it all on myself? Motivation stems from truly seeking to live a God-centered life and finding out how generosity ties into living with JOY! 

  • Does giving a tithe feel like some sort of a membership fee to deal with and then all will be well with God? Is that what the goal is? 
  • Does God have a shortage of stuff and need you to help Him out? Or, is there something He wants YOU to experience? 
  • Does giving actually bring you joy? That is a crucial question.

A fair question to ask ourselves is…   “Are these blessings that I have really from God?”  Then, the next question to ask can be,…  “Are these blessings to use all on myself”

So, it is not “How much should I give?” It really is “How much do I need to keep for myself?”

Everything that we have belongs to God (1 Chron 29:10-15). Even when we earn something with our own hard work, we are really using the skills God gave us to use (Psalm 144:1). (Maybe ask “Why did He bless me with these?”). If God gives us time, treasures, and talents and asks us to be stewards of these, then the question “How much do I need to keep?” seems very appropriate.